290. milk cartons make in a year on the plain

ryan onstott
2 min readNov 24, 2021

milk cartons make in a year on the plain
twenty-six trips the lowlands (from), ranging
in pastures more fresh with bumblebees, vets,
a couple of pantomime horses, to nest

milk cartons small (school lunches for) call
across the wide tundra for milk cartons, mauling
bottles and break out a tournament named

the milk carton games as scheduled take place in
a high valley three hundred five miles away —
phipps, foster, chews (and the rest of them) knew that
nothing would stop them their breeding grounds using

why? asked himself, winston had whelped
himself in a pickle, trespassing for selling
door to door sleeves of graham crackers, cheese
to pensioners, found himself right underneath them

the penalties charged for illegal milk cartons
is four years the choky (in) 4000 dollars,
and though he’d not helped the milk cartons swell up,
he’d not (either) stopped them the mill into melting

in this world or in life there’s rules and designs,
and one of them: DON’T EVER MILK CARTONS HIDE —
a milk carton loose is destructive and uses
three times electricity milk does removed (from)

humphrey’s point regs say trespassers dead (shoot),
milk thieves and contraband milk carton measuring
is punished with fines and a shiv up the side,
and the body is buried in powdered milk (dried)

winston could not to authorities talk,
and couldn’t the mill owners tell of this flock,
he couldn’t alert the milk board of merchants,
and couldn’t for fear of catastrophe burn them

the milk carton mass was moving quite fast,
soon would on humphrey’s point village advance,
there they would pounce on man, woman, scout,
and slowly dissolve them as food for their sprouts

